The Influence of Financial Performance on Stock Returns in Banking Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the Years 2018-2022
The study aims to determine the impact of financial leverage, profitability and the moderation effect of company size on tax evasion. The population of this study is the property and real estate sector companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange for the period 2016-2022. There are 71 samples, selected using purposive sampling. The analysis in this study uses moderated regression analysis (MRA) to look at the influence of moderation of company size variables. Data collection through the official IDX website: The results show that all the hypotheses built in this study are acceptable, that’s financial leverage and profitability have a positive and significant effect on tax evasion. Also, the moderation effect of company size has been shown to strengthen the influence on financial leverage and profitability against tax evasion.
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